Ep. 65: This is Why We Vote: Indigenous Voices

For our second installment in the “This is Why We Vote” series, Bertha & Jacob are joined by Jonnette Paddy (Diné) and Ryan Boone (Walker River Paiute) to talk about the importance of voting and their activism as Indigenous youth, as we learn some of the issues impacting them and their communities.

You can follow Jonnette on Instagram @peppermint_paddys, you can follow Ryan on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004094701590  

Nevada Native Caucus - https://nvnativecaucus.org/

UNLV Native American Student Association - https://www.facebook.com/UNLVNASA

Clark County American Indian/Alaskan Native Caucus - https://www.facebook.com/Clark-County-AIAN-Democratic-Caucus-100150068216879/

Sovereign Bodies Institute - https://www.sovereign-bodies.org/

Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women - https://www.csvanw.org/

All My Relations Podcast - https://www.allmyrelationspodcast.com/

Zitkala-Sa - https://www.nps.gov/people/zitkala-sa.htm

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Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!

Wildand Free